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Making a srouce package Bug - #859130 ITP: lina -- iso- Forth interpreter

Dear mentors,

I'm working on packaging lina and I'm stuck.
I do have a correct .deb but that seems not to be enough.

lina is a simple package with one source file lina.s
This archive serves as a source and a binary distribution:

Content of lina-5.3.0.tar.gz (the upstream source)
lina-5.3.0/ci86.lina.info (could be generated)
lina-5.3.0/ci86.lina.pdf (could be generated)
lina-5.3.0/ci86.lina.ps (could be generated)
lina-5.3.0/ci86.lina.s   (SOURCE. ALL OF IT! NO INCLUDES! )
lina-5.3.0/forth.lab         (source library)
lina-5.3.0/lina              (executable)
[ examples:
lina-5.3.0/wc.script ]
An upstream package is simply is not under control of debian.
It is either sufficiently free and its copyright documented or it is not.
It either contains the full source or it is not.
So its go or nogo. This package is a go.
It's got to be a possible starting point for a debian package.
(Whether that package is suitable to become part of a distribution is a
different matter.)

I've managed to write a script debian.sh that generates
a lina_5.3.0_i386.deb from this upstream source that has
no more lintian errors, and installs and runs properly,
is politically correct etc.

E.g. there is no Makefile in the package, but it is easy to construct:
# from build instruction in the source
lina : lina.s
        as --32 lina.s -o lina.o
        ld lina.o -melf_i386 -N -o lina

# from READMElina.txt
install : lina forth.lab
        cp lina /usr/bin
        cp forth.lab /usr/lib

Now I realize that debian wants to build itself, based on a
possibly adapted upstream source package. That is what open
source is all about! (Stupid. I could have guessed that and
Paul Wise pointed it out too.)
So making a proper Debian source package is more important than a .deb
package. This much I understand that the package must be adorned
with .dsc file and probably patches, such as adding a Makefile.

So I started using "Getting started the Right Way" from
It says I should be using build-essential.

My Debian 7.11 3.2.0-4-amd64 says that build-essential is
installed, but I can't find neither quilt nor dh_make.
QUESTION 1:  How could that be?

Is my script to generate the .deb of any use (except the experience)?

(Less important: if I supply texinfo should I leave out doc files from
a source package that can be generated from it?)

P.S. The package is hosted here:

Groetjes Albert

Suffering is the prerogative of the strong, the weak -- perish.
Albert van der Horst

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