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Bug#858795: RFS: python-zxcvbn/4.4.14-1 [ITA]


>I've made final changes you've told me and sent the request to the DPM team! If there are other problems in the package, let me know.

really better now :)
maybe you can put some spaces (3) on changelog line 8 to put "and" under "update" word, but this is really a nitpick

so, when you get accepted please add again DPMT as uploader
Uploaders: Debian Python Modules Team <python-modules-team@lists.alioth.debian.org>

also, the NEWS file can be rephrased into something different

"The main method of this Python module
has changed in version 4.4.14 from
password_strength(password, user_inputs=[])
to zxcvbn(password, user_inputs=[]), please
refer to upstream documentation or README.rst file
for more information".

some more nitpicking:
+  * New maintainer (Closes: #855638)

usually you can put something like
    "- thanks Riley for your work!"

under that line

control file:
"Tested in Python* version*"
I would remove that line, if useful it should probably go (with a version check
and a warning), just inside the Python code.
I'm sure in the next releases we will forget to update it :p

short description is the same for both packages
I suggest you:
Description: Realistic password strength estimator. Python2 module
Description: Realistic password strength estimator. Python3 module

"This package installs the library for Python 2."

better to say
"This package provides the Python 2 library."
(in sync with the other packages in the Team)

lets look at lintian now:

I: python-zxcvbn source: duplicate-short-description python-zxcvbn python3-zxcvbn
(already addressed above)

W: python-zxcvbn source: changelog-should-mention-nmu
^^ signature on the package should be consistent with what is written in Maintainer or Uploaders
Please correct your name on control file.

missing changes in changelog:
* update watch file to point to new package location
* switch packaging to pybuild

something for upstream:
* please sign the tarball

it is *really* all now :)
(also, I tested successfully the package in both Python2 and Python3 versions)

last thing, the NEWS file seems to be not installed/shown during upgrade...
can you please double check?
(maybe it is due to something broken on my system)



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