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Bug#847603: RFS: mod_pagespeed/ [ITP] -- Apache module for rewriting web pages to reduce latency and bandwidth

On Fri, 30 Dec 2016 07:47:09 +0000 Sean Whitton
<spwhitton@spwhitton.name> wrote:
> control: tag -1 +moreinfo
> Dear Jeff,
> On Fri, Dec 09, 2016 at 02:43:32PM -0500, Jeff Kaufman wrote:
> > I am looking for a sponsor for my package "mod_pagespeed":

Hi... I am one of Jeff's colleagues, he redirected this to me
(now that I am back from vacation)

> This looks cool.  Here are some initial comments:

Thank you for your feedback.

> - I'm not prepared to fully review a package that is not available in
>   git.  We might need multiple rounds of review, and git-diff(1) is
>   invaluable for that.  Please consider `gbp import-dsc` or `dgit
>   import-dsc` (the former is more popular; I prefer the latter)

Uploaded using gbp into
along with a few follow up changes. (I am a bit unclear as to whether
I should be messing
around with the package revision field at this point, though).

> - Your Vcs-* headers point to the upstream repository, which does not
>   contain a debian/ directory.  Vcs-* headers are meant to point at a
>   packaging repository.  Do you have one available somewhere?

Now that it is available, thanks to gbp, I made them point to this.

> - You have a very long list of quilt patches.  Have you considered
>   merging some of them?  For example, all the -native patches could be a
>   single patch.  Quilt patches can be a pain to manage when there are
>   new upstream releases.

No, perhaps because I don't have any experience with quilt before this
--- so they
are structured the way one would do commits, as logical changes. What usually
goes wrong?

> - I note that you have '#ifdef USE_SYSTEM_FOO' but your patch just
>   strips off the whole conditional.  Wouldn't it be easier to use those
>   USE_SYSTEM_* flags, instead of patching?

Most patches cover things that simply don't have those. The long-term
proper upstream support would indeed involve having more of those, but
that felt needlessly indirect for package patches, since one would basically
have to add a whole bunch of conditionals to all the library .gyp files (making
for some especially hard-to-read diffs, given the .gyp syntax), a
bunch of ifdefs
to the source, and then pass them in as -D flags to gyp from rules. Basically
like 3x the changes to have a path that wouldn't apply anyway.

> - generate.sh runs a copy of gyp in the source tree.  But gyp is
>   packaged for Debian.  Please add a build-dependency on the packaged
>   gyp, and run that instead (you might need another patch...)

Working on that, but running in some difficulties, so responding
before resolving this.
I am not sure it's the right choice, though, since that may blow up in
some other way
whenever .gyp is next updated...

> - The package doesn't build in a clean sid chroot.  Log attached.

Was missing a couple of build dependencies. Should be fixed in the git version.
sbuild seems like a very helpful tool for getting those right.


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