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Re: Modernizing the upstream tarball without version number change

On Sat, 12 Nov 2016, Christoph Biedl wrote:
> * Fake a new upstream version number, like foo_1.0a.orig.tar.xz.
>   Yes, it's faking. Using "+repack" is more obvious but still means
>   this gets carried into the Debian version number.

This is the recommended way of doing things, yes.

> * Switch upstream tarball compression. This works, I found an upload[3]
>   where -2 switched from .gz to .xz. Still rather a hack[4], and if this
>   means going away from xz to something older, it feels wrong.

This is going to get people wondering what you were up to.  Don't do it.

  Henrique Holschuh

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