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Bug#811393: Another try at flint-arb sponsoring


On 18/04/2016 11:48, Paul Wise wrote:
On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 4:00 AM, Julien Puydt wrote:

Uh... isn't that something more for upstream than for me?
Again, that's for upstream.

Yes, however it would be great if you could file bugs/patches and or
work with upstream to include those tools into their QA procedures.

Hmmm... QA procedures... they have unit tests, that's the QA...

See above : upstream has its own build system...

Switching to a more standard build system would be nice.

I had proposed an autotools-based system, but they didn't like it...

$ pep8 --ignore W191 .

That's for upstream, isn't it?

Yes. pep8 is just a style checker so if they don't want to use
standard formatting that is fine.


maybe recreate during build?

Hmmm... the source appears to be the .svg ; I don't think I ship it in the
-doc package, so I don't think I should care. I'm not sure I'm eager to put
my hand in their doc-building yet...

Perhaps file a bug upstream asking to remove them from the
VCS/tarballs and always build them from the source?

I don't think they change the .svg that often, so not including its conversions in the tarball would mean a new dep for arb which they don't want.

Snark on #debian-science

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