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Bug#838941: RFS: duperemove/0.11~beta3-3 ITP

>Files: interval_tree.c interval_tree_generic.h

>Copyright: 2012 Michel Lespinasse <walken@google.com>
>License: GPL-2
>which then below lists GPL-2 license with address: Free Software 
>Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 
>02110-1301, USA.
>However I can see that in interval_tree_generic.h itself is address: 
>Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  
>02111-1307  USA
>What should I do?

ask upstream to fix the address :)

btw, I'm more interested in this change:
-License: GPL-2

+License: GPL-2+

at least for interval_tree_generic.h
(and add the License text too)

>For xxhash.c: In file is BSD 2-Clause and I have verified it in it's 
>upstream https://github.com/Cyan4973/xxHash/blob/dev/LICENSE so in 
>opyright file I have:
>Files: xxhash.h xxhash.c
>Copyright: 2012-2014 Yann Collet
>License: BSD-2-Clause

>I can't see any issue with license for this file. Please advise

Looks good to me... Not sure what I missed!


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