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upload to mentors


I've just reinstalled my development machine for debian packaging and  
wanted to upload some packages to mentors which doesn't work as
expected. In the past I had a complete path set for "incoming" in 
the ~/.dput.cf exemplary like follows

incoming = /upload/user@example.org/whatevermd5string

I've switched my settings for the incoming-path (as suggestet in [1]). 

During Upload with dput I receive an error: "Upload failed: 403 Forbidden"
And Package is directly visible via ftp://mentors.debian.net but not 
processed and attached to my account on mentors? 

It's been a while since I've uploaded the last time to mentors maybe 
anyone else ran into the same issue and has an advice. 


[1] https://mentors.debian.net/intro-maintainers

fqdn = mentors.debian.net
incoming = /upload
method = http
allow_unsigned_uploads = 0
progress_indicator = 2
# Allow uploads for UNRELEASED packages
allowed_distributions = .*

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