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Bug#844577: openldap is NEW


just uploaded the package, which is now in the NEW queue.

@Ryan, please, keep an eye here, perhaps the ftp-masters ask for some changes.

Also, if the package is finally accepted, please check some of the
lintian warnings the package is producing.
Some seems trivial, other would require a bit of thinking.

I would like to mention that I didn't check the package in depth (it's
pretty big), so please iterate with follow-up uploads if issues arise.

In my machine, the package took almost 2h to build.
Most of the time was due to the testsuite being lauched at build time.

Could I suggest to run the testsuite in ci.debian.net using autopkgtest?
The idea is to run the testsuite in both places (buildtime and
autopkgtest) for a while, and once we are confident enough, switch to
run it just from ci.debian.net.
This is just an idea, I really don't have enough knowledge of the
openldap ecosystem to tell if this would be a correct approach.

Thanks, best regards.

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