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uscan for a single text file


I want to create a watch file for a package that contains a single text
file (which itself has the version into it):

http://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/IAGA/vmod/igrf.html igrf(\d+)coeffs.txt \
 debian debian/repackage.sh

The "repackage.sh" script would then just create a tarball:

set -e

BASEDIR=$(dirname $3)

tar cf igrf-coefficients_$VERSION.orig.tar igrf${VERSION}coeffs.txt
rm -f igrf${VERSION}coeffs.txt
xz igrf-coefficients_$VERSION.orig.tar
exec uupdate --no-symlink --upstream-version ${VERSION} igrf_${VERSION}.orig.tar.xz

However, when I run this, uscan complaints:

$ uscan 
uscan: Newest version of igrf-coefficients on remote site is 12, local version is 10
uscan:    => Newer package available from
Parameter ../igrf12coeffs.txt does not look like a tar archive or a zip file. at /usr/bin/mk-origtargz line 375.
uscan: error: mk-origtargz --package igrf-coefficients --version 12 --compression gzip --directory .. --copyright-file debian/copyright ../igrf12coeffs.txt gave error exit status 255

--debug does not show more here.
What is wrong here? I thought that mk-orig.tar.gz should be called only
when it is a tar archive?



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