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Bug#822360: RFS: sequitur-g2p/0.0.r1668-3 -- Grapheme to Phoneme conversion tool

control: owner -1 !

Hi Giulio,

I'd be happy to sponsor your package.

On 2016-04-23 21:06, Giulio Paci wrote:
> I am looking for a sponsor for an updated version of my package "sequitur-g2p"
> You can download the package with git using this command:
>    git clone git://anonscm.debian.org/collab-maint/sequitur-g2p.git

First, a general note: more specific commit messages would facilitate
reviewing (at least for me). For example:

    commit c98be9ed397b0ba4be9aa6c82f1ce1be54e06acf
    Author: Giulio Paci <giuliopaci@gmail.com>
    Date: Tue Apr 19 21:56:57 2016 +0200

        Updated control file.

What update was that? From the other commits, I can deduce that this was
merely a refreshing of d/control from d/control.in, and the actual
changes -- namely bumping Standards-Version, and updating Vcs-* --
happened earlier. This was a bit confusing, so being explicit about this
could be helpful.

Furthermore, the "better" your commit structure and messages, the more
you get out of them yourself. You seem to be using git-buildpackage, so
using the magic command `gbp dch`, you can have gbp initialize a
debian/changelog entry from your commit history for you. And the better
your commit history, the less polishing you need to do.

On to the specific notes:
  * d/copyright:
    - Refers twice to the "GNU _Lesser_ General Public License". Seems
      to be copy-pasta, as all other references to GPL-2 are correct

  * d/patches:
    - Please consider making the headers DEP3-compliant (although it's
      not a "hard" requirement): http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
    - Patches should be sufficiently self-describing. I can understand
      the motivation for 1013, 1014, and 1015 but not the others:
        + 1011: Why change multigram size? Did this improve something?
        + 1012: Why add SWIG options? How did this affect the build?

  * d/changelog:
    - Please indicate why Vcs-* fields were changed. Something like:
      "Switch to secure URIs in Vcs-* fields"

Your package built cleanly and without lintian errors or warnings, so as
soon as you address the above issues, I'd be ready to upload.


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