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Re: Package creation - help needed !

Hum... Ok, I tried :

mh_make --from-svn=https://github.com/Sharcoux/MathEOS

It seems to work but it fails at :

Solving dependencies for package libMathEOS-java
Cannot find the POM file
NOTE: Maven is executing in offline mode. Any artifacts not already in your local
repository will be inaccessible.

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Maven Default Project
[INFO]    task-segment: [org.debian.maven:maven-packager-utils:1.6.6:generate] (aggregator-style)
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Cannot execute mojo: generate. It requires a project with an existing pom.xml, but the build is not using one.

I don't understand. Of course there is a pom.xml... Did I miss sth ?

2015-04-10 11:07 GMT+02:00 Riley Baird <BM-2cVqnDuYbAU5do2DfJTrN7ZbAJ246S4Xix@bitmessage.ch>:
On Fri, 10 Apr 2015 10:44:53 +0200
François BILLIOUD <f.billioud@gmail.com> wrote:
> Trying here, but it's a lot of information to assimilate.
> First, I see that there are thousands of ways to do it. It is a Java
> program that uses Maven. The source is stored on GitHub. So if I understand
> correctly, I can use either javahelper
> <https://wiki.debian.org/Java/Packaging>, or maven-debian-helper
> <https://wiki.debian.org/Java/MavenDebianHelper>, or edit my pom to use a
> plugin like jdeb <https://github.com/tcurdt/jdeb/blob/master/docs/maven.md>,
> or maybe use a makefile
> <https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/first.fr.html#simplemake>.
> Could you direct me to the most fitting solution ? The more I read, the
> more I loose myself...

I've never packaged a java application using maven, but I'd assume that
maven-debian-helper would be the easiest option.

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