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Re: Source tarball update/fix

Sergio Durigan Junior <sergiodj@sergiodj.net> writes:

> After reading the policy and having a brief chat with Paul Tagliamonte
> on #debian-devel, the apparent solution would be to rename the source
> tarball.  Today, it is named "midori_0.5.11.orig.tar.bz2".  My decision
> was to rename it to "midori_0.5.11~ds1.orig.tar.bz2".  I tried doing
> that, and my upload got rejected again, because "midori_0.5.11~ds1-1 is
> newer than midori_0.5.11-2" (which is the latest version on testing).

The problem is you've used the special-meaning “~” separator. That has
the special meaning that anything with a ‘~foo’ suffix is *earlier* than
without that suffix.

Don't use the “~” separator unless you know why. (That special meaning
is very useful when upstream's real version strings are ordered in some
non-alphanumeric way; especially, when they make version strings that
they intend to precede a later version that is truncated; e.g.
“1.2.3.beta1” will precede “1.2.3”. So we can modify upstream's version
string to “1.2.3~beta1” which will then order as intended.)

If you want a suffix indicating “later than 0.5.11”, a conventional
separator to use is “+”. So, “0.5.11+ds1”.

> This whole mistake made me learn a thing or two about the internals, but
> now I think it is time to ask for some help.  Is there any way I can fix
> the original problem?

Since you have not yet assigned a “later than 0.5.11” version string,
that option is still open to you: just use “0.5.11+ds1” for the upstream
version string.

 \       “You can never entirely stop being what you once were. That's |
  `\   why it's important to be the right person today, and not put it |
_o__)                                 off until tomorrow.” —Larry Wall |
Ben Finney

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