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Bug#796828: RFS: xfce4-equake-plugin/1.3.8

On 08/26/2015 01:40 AM, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:

(I'll take care of warnings related to the package soon)

Some questions:

I installed it, and it installed many xfce dependencies on my system.
The problem is that when I rebooted xfce isn't shown at the login screen.

I had to manually do an apt-get install xfce4 to have it (and install some
more stuff).

Well, is that an use-case you want to take care of?

I am not sure what I could (or should) change with regards to the package to enable successful install of the whole xfce4 DE plus dependencies, or the configuration of the xfce session for the login manager. Wouldn't it be out of the scope of a panel plugin?

that said, I installed xfce4, rebooted.

Where and how can I use your package? I don't see it anywhere

In a 64 bits environment it is installed into /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xfce4/panel-plugins/ when you install it using the package.

If compiled from source it will go into /usr/lib/xfce4/panel-plugins/ or /usr/local/lib/xfce4/panel-plugins/ if you did not specify "--prefix=/usr" during when running "./configure".

In xfce you need to right click the panel and select to add a new item, the requester that pops up may not always show newly installed plugins right away. You may have to close it, wait for a bit and try again. It will notice the presence of new panel-plugins eventually. It is possible that if installed into /usr/local/... it will not find it.

Similarly when I installed xfce 4.12 from source into /usr/local to test equake out in a newer xfce environment the pane plugin requester, when using the /usr/local installed xfce, would only find the plugin if installed into /usr/local/...

I am sure there are ways around it, but I didn't investigate further.


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