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Re: Is there a way to preserve pbuilder chroot environment?

+++ Paul Wise [2014-03-01 23:17 +0800]:
> On Sat, Mar 1, 2014 at 10:11 PM, Ferenc Wagner wrote:
> > By default, the snapshot is destroyed when sbuild finishes in any way.
> > No chance to damage the origin chroot this way.
> If you aren't using any of the snapshot-capable mechanisms it will.
> For many people none are suitable so that could be common.

I have done an astonishing number of builds (and crossbuilds) in sbuild.
I have killed many of them in mid-build for many reasons. It has a nice
cleanup-mechanism which spots such interruptions and tidies up. I have
never managed to currupt my chroot doing this, so I think you were very
unlucky. It _is_ quite easy to get a lot of schroot mounts left lying
about if you often kill terms or screen/tmux sessions or X sessions or
machines running them.

A nice feature of schroot is that you can resume such chroots and carry
on from whatever state it was in (at the filesystem level). Again, I've
never seen corruption doing this.

You can also run commands on multiple chroots in parallel (whcih is a
bit scary, but it works :-). Handy for doing builds for several suites
at once.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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