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Re: Python package documentation with Sphinx: encoding related build failure

On Jul 24, 2014, at 10:29 AM, Daniel Stender wrote:

>I'm working on packaging a Python package with a Sphinx based documentation,
>Nltk 3.0.0b1, and there are encoding related build errors.
>Strangely, this only occurs when trying to build against Sid (via
>Cowbuilder), building with debuild withing Testing works fine.

I don't remember the details, but I think there are some build environments
where the locale is not set correct (or not set?), which can cause Python's
default encodings to kick in and make incorrect assumptions (albeit based on
limited available information).  I think I've seen this with sbuilds
occasionally.  The fix is usually to be explicit about the encoding or make
sure the locale is set to UTF-8.  It'll also work differently depending on
whether you're using Python 2 or 3.

Sorry I'm a little fuzzy on the details - it's been a while.  Hopefully that
gives enough of a clue to keep digging in the right place.


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