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Bug#732188: RFS: freedict -- free bilingual dictionary databases

Sébastien Villemot schrieb am 05.01.2014, 20:41 +0100:
>A few things that I would like to see fixed before uploading:
>- the dict-freedict-all package depends on nonexistent afr-deu package
It actually exists. Please see files below.

>- the source package does not build in a minimal chroot (with
>pbuilder/cowbuilder); there seem to be some missing dependency on a perl
>XML module
libxml-libxml-perl was missing. Fixed.

>- could you please add a pristine-tar branch to the git repository, so
>that the tarball created from the git is always the same?
Done so.

>- upgrade to latest Standards-Version (3.9.5)

>- remove the packaging team from the Uploaders field (it is already in
>the Maintainer field, no need to repeat it)

>- add fields Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser in debian/control; by the way, the
>repository should be name freedict.git, like the source package (without
>the prepending pkg-)
Fixed both. You can optain the latest source from:


You can optain the lastest bundle from:



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