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Debian/Ubuntu Package Developing with Docker, Continued


Last time I posted about that Docker being the best tool for developing 
Debian/Ubuntu packages [1]. If you missed it, here is the recap:

- The reason Docker being the best tool for developing Debian/Ubuntu 
packages is that, it gives you isolated pure & pristine environments to 
build packages, *and* it allows you to build layers on top of each other, 
while giving you the freedom to play in any layer at any given time. 
Moreover, when it comes to Debian packages developing, the best part is 
that all your changes to the layer can be discarded at your will, so you 
can *always* start from the pristine stage of your layer.

- I talked about constructing the first layer to be the bare-minimum 
installation system that contains not much more than a deb-bootstrap, 
which will be used to test our final package installation, to verify that 
the package install well on a bare-minimum system.

- I also talked about strategically constructing layers on top of each 
other so as to best facilitate packages developing. Further than that, 
sharing resources among docker images is also briefly touched upon. 


However, that was in *principle* generally speaking. Now let's get 
practical this time -- let's see how thing are done. For details, please 
check out, 


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