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Bug#673096: [FIGlet] Figlet Font Licensing

Jonathan McCrohan scripsit:

> During a review of my updated figlet 2.2.4-1 package[1], it was
> discovered that the fonts directory still contains non-distributable
> files. An example of these files are the fonts/8859-*.flc files. These
> files contain the following paragraph: "Unicode, Inc. specifically
> excludes the right to re-distribute this file directly to third
> parties or other organizations whether for profit or not".

Those should simply be replaced by the verbatim contents of the
corresponding files at http://www.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/ISO8859 .

In addition, the jis0201.flc file should be replaced likewise by
the verbatim contents of
http://www.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/OBSOLETE/EASTASIA/JIS/JIS0201.TXT .
(Don't worry, the mapping is not obsolete; that's just a hint that Unicode
Inc. isn't maintaining these files -- but this one doesn't actually need
any maintenance.)

The other *.flc files were written by me (or Glenn and me, in the case
of upper.flc), and should be under the same license as FIGlet itself.

The Imperials are decadent, 300 pound   John Cowan <cowan@ccil.org>
free-range chickens (except they have   http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
teeth, arms instead of wings, and
dinosaurlike tails).                        --Elyse Grasso

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