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Re: How do I create a symbols file?

* Paul Elliott <pelliott@blackpatchpanel.com>, 2011-08-24, 04:57:
lintian -I says I should create a symbols file.

What lintian actually says is:

I: no-symbols-control-file
N:   Although the package includes a shared library, the package does not
N:   have a symbols control file.
N: N: dpkg can use symbols files in order to generate more accurate library
N:   dependencies for applications, based on the symbols from the library
N:   that are actually used by the application.
N: N: Refer to the dpkg-gensymbols(1) manual page and
N:   http://wiki.debian.org/UsingSymbolsFiles for details.
N: N: Severity: wishlist, Certainty: certain N: N: Check: shared-libs, Type: binary, udeb

This is hardly a "should".

But Debian Library Packaging guide

You should really not read this document. It consists of things that are either:
1) irrelevant or
1) vague or
2) simply wrong or
3) already covered by the Debian Policy.

nor Debian New Maintainers' Guide tells me exactly how to create such a file or how to name it.

The New Maintainer's Guide is about packaging basics, so certainly not about packaging libraries.

Jakub Wilk

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