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RFS: JLDrill

I'll try again.  The last time I didn't include the source packages ><
I noticed a few problems and fixed them too.

I'm the author of a Japanese study tool called JLDrill.  I am
not a Debian developer, so I am looking for a sponsor to upload
it into Debian.  I'm still learning about Debian, so please forgive
me if I make mistakes :-)

Name: JLDrill
License: GPL3 with provision for GPL2 redistribution
Description: Japanese language drill program
 JLDrill is a program for helping people study and drill various aspects
 of the Japanese language. Current features include a variety of drills
 (kana, and vocabulary) a kanji and dictionary reference tool
 inspired by the firefox plugin Rikaichan, kanji stroke order
 diagrams, and vocabulary collocations using the Tanaka corpus (a
 series of example sentences in English and Japanese).  JLDrill's
 drills use a spaced repetition algorithm which is unique to it.
 This algorithm helps with initial acquisition of vocabulary, automatically
 grades item difficulty and improves the ability to deal with inconsistent
 review schedules.


I believe the packages are lintian clean.

 JLDrill has been in development for about 5 years and has undergone
slow but steady development.  I believe it will make a good entry for
Debian since other spaced repetition software programs do not offer
specific language study features.  Similarly, Japanese language study
programs do not offer spaced repetition drill features.  Combining the
two dramatically reduces the amount of "busy work" that is required
when doing self-study.  My motivation for asking for inclusion is that
my users are requesting it.

Web page: http://jldrill.rubyforge.org/

Since the last time I submitted this request I have build the source
packages.  I have also fixed a few problems with the build-depends
in the control file.  Finally, I have removed some data files that
probably weren't DFSG free (one in which I couldn't contact the
author for license information and one which was CC-SA-BY-NC)
I believe this fixes all the potential license problems.

        Thank you for your consideration,
            Mike Charlton

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