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Re: RFS: python-crypto (adopting package, fixes FTBFS)

Hi Sebastian (2011.04.09_10:44:03_+0200)
> Out of curiosity: what are the pros and cons of dh_python2 and where do
> dh_pysupport and dh_python2 differ? In view of #617001 I thought I'd stick with
> the successor of dh_pycentral.

dh_python2 is aiming to be the replacement to dh_pysupport and
dh_pycentral. But not everyone is in agreement about that, yet.
dh_python3 is the only helper for Python 3.

dh_python2 is simpler, in that it ships a static symlink farm for every
supported Python version at build time. This means the package needs to
be rebuild every time we change the supported Python versions in Debian.
Seeing as Python 2.7 is the last version of Python (python3 is a
separate stack in Debian), this shouldn't be an issue.

Having the package only be useful for versions of Python it's been
tested with (assuming it has a test-suite) isn't a bad thing.

Jakub might not want to sponsor dh_python2 packages, but I prefer it.


Stefano Rivera
  H: +27 21 465 6908 C: +27 72 419 8559  UCT: x3127

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