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Re: RFS: python-meinheld

* Mikhail Lukyanchenko <ml@uptimebox.ru>, 2011-11-22, 14:20:
Looks like packaging this software requires skills that I don't have. I can't reprosuce your crash on my unstable/amd64.

Indeed, it doesn't seem to crash on amd64.

Have no idea where to go with that, but don't want to give up early.

After rebuilding python-meinheld with DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS='nostrip noopt' ("nostrip" was ignored, please fix it!), installing python-dbg and python-greenlet-dbg, the traceback is more useful:

#0  0xf7cb090f in *__GI_memcpy (dstpp=0xffffb130, srcpp=0x6e696c28, len=1731033205) at memcpy.c:55
#1  0xf7b689cb in slp_restore_state () at greenlet.c:263
#2  slp_switch () at platform/switch_x86_unix.h:58
#3  0x080f93de in PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords (func=0x0, arg=<unknown at remote 0xf7b690ba>, kw=0x0) at ../Python/ceval.c:3890
#4  0xf7b69a24 in g_initialstub (mark=0xffffb1ec) at greenlet.c:529
#5  0xf7b69115 in g_switch (kwargs=0x0, args=<optimized out>, target=0x83412c0) at greenlet.c:399
#6  g_switch (target=<optimized out>, args=<optimized out>, kwargs=0x0) at greenlet.c:366
#7  0xf7b6986b in PyGreenlet_Switch (g=0x83412c0, args=
    ({'wsgi.multiprocess': True, 'SCRIPT_NAME': '', 'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET', 'PATH_INFO': '/', 'SERVER_PROTOCOL': 'HTTP/1.1', 'QUERY_STRING': '', 'HTTP_USER_AGENT': 'Wget/1.13.4 (linux-gnu)', 'HTTP_CONNECTION': 'Keep-Alive', 'SERVER_NAME': '', 'REMOTE_PORT': '58598', 'wsgi.url_scheme': 'http', 'meinheld.client': <meinheld.client at remote 0x8359720>, 'SERVER_PORT': '8000', 'wsgi.input': <meinheld.stringio at remote 0x835d150>, 'HTTP_HOST': '', 'wsgi.multithread': False, 'REQUEST_URI': '/', 'HTTP_ACCEPT': '*/*', 'wsgi.version': (1, 0), 'wsgi.run_once': False, 'wsgi.errors': <file at remote 0xf7c1d0d0>, 'REMOTE_ADDR': '', 'wsgi.file_wrapper': <built-in function file_wrapper>}, <meinheld.start_response at remote 0xf7c2d0e0>), kwargs=0x0) at greenlet.c:1032
#8  0xf7b73e7d in process_wsgi_app (cli=0x83b57b0) at meinheld/server/server.c:375
#9  call_wsgi_app (loop=0x8553df0, client=0x83b57b0) at meinheld/server/server.c:566
#10 r_callback (loop=0x8553df0, fd=9, events=1, cb_arg=0x83b57b0) at meinheld/server/server.c:850
#11 0xf7b755c0 in picoev_poll_once_internal (_loop=0x8553df0, max_wait=1) at meinheld/server/picoev_epoll.c:159
#12 0xf7b717e1 in picoev_loop_once (max_wait=1, loop=0x8553df0) at meinheld/server/picoev.h:388
#13 meinheld_run_loop (self=0x0, args=(<function at remote 0x8343294>,)) at meinheld/server/server.c:1230
#14 0x080f9b5b in call_function (oparg=1, pp_stack=0xffffd3b4) at ../Python/ceval.c:4021
#15 PyEval_EvalFrameEx (f=Frame 0x82e9a9c, for file example.py, line 13, in <module> (), throwflag=0) at ../Python/ceval.c:2666
#16 0x080ffbb4 in PyEval_EvalCodeEx (co=0xf7bf5bf0, globals=
    {'__builtins__': <module at remote 0xf7bfb11c>, '__file__': 'example.py', 'server': <module at remote 0x833798c>, '__name__': '__main__', 'hello_world': <function at remote 0x8343294>, '__package__': None, '__doc__': None}, locals=
    {'__builtins__': <module at remote 0xf7bfb11c>, '__file__': 'example.py', 'server': <module at remote 0x833798c>, '__name__': '__main__', 'hello_world': <function at remote 0x8343294>, '__package__': None, '__doc__': None}, args=0x0, argcount=0, kws=0x0, kwcount=0, defs=0x0, defcount=0, closure=0x0)
    at ../Python/ceval.c:3253
#17 0x08100527 in PyEval_EvalCode (co=0xf7bf5bf0, globals=
    {'__builtins__': <module at remote 0xf7bfb11c>, '__file__': 'example.py', 'server': <module at remote 0x833798c>, '__name__': '__main__', 'hello_world': <function at remote 0x8343294>, '__package__': None, '__doc__': None}, locals=
    {'__builtins__': <module at remote 0xf7bfb11c>, '__file__': 'example.py', 'server': <module at remote 0x833798c>, '__name__': '__main__', 'hello_world': <function at remote 0x8343294>, '__package__': None, '__doc__': None}) at ../Python/ceval.c:667
#18 0x0811cdc0 in run_mod (mod=<optimized out>, filename=<optimized out>, globals=
    {'__builtins__': <module at remote 0xf7bfb11c>, '__file__': 'example.py', 'server': <module at remote 0x833798c>, '__name__': '__main__', 'hello_world': <function at remote 0x8343294>, '__package__': None, '__doc__': None}, locals=
    {'__builtins__': <module at remote 0xf7bfb11c>, '__file__': 'example.py', 'server': <module at remote 0x833798c>, '__name__': '__main__', 'hello_world': <function at remote 0x8343294>, '__package__': None, '__doc__': None}, flags=0xffffd62c, arena=0x8387a78) at ../Python/pythonrun.c:1346
#19 0x0811d9d9 in PyRun_FileExFlags (fp=0x82e9a90, filename=0xffffd8de "example.py", start=257, globals=
    {'__builtins__': <module at remote 0xf7bfb11c>, '__file__': 'example.py', 'server': <module at remote 0x833798c>, '__name__': '__main__', 'hello_world': <function at remote 0x8343294>, '__package__': None, '__doc__': None}, locals=
    {'__builtins__': <module at remote 0xf7bfb11c>, '__file__': 'example.py', 'server': <module at remote 0x833798c>, '__name__': '__main__', 'hello_world': <function at remote 0x8343294>, '__package__': None, '__doc__': None}, closeit=1, flags=0xffffd62c) at ../Python/pythonrun.c:1332
#20 0x0811e5bc in PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags (fp=0x82e9a90, filename=<optimized out>, closeit=1, flags=0xffffd62c) at ../Python/pythonrun.c:936
#21 0x0812e513 in Py_Main (argc=2, argv=0xffffd714) at ../Modules/main.c:599
#22 0x080603ab in main (argc=2, argv=0xffffd714) at ../Modules/python.c:23

Jakub Wilk

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