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Re: Can quilt delete or rename a file?

Andriy Senkovych <jolly_roger@itblog.org.ua> writes:

> Hello, Elliott.
> Yes, quilt can remove files. Here is example command sequence to achieve this:
> quilt new patch-name.diff
> quilt add file/to/be/removed
> rm file/to/be/removed
> quilt refresh
> quilt pop -a
> 2011/6/1 Paul Elliott <pelliott@blackpatchpanel.com>:
>> Can Quilt delete or rename a file?
>> My upstream supplies a GNU Makefile, but I am going to replace it with an auto*
>> tools setup. The Makefile will be created by the ./configure step.
>> Should I delete or rename the upstream's for clarity? How would I do this?

It is probably better to simply remove the files in the clean

The plus is that you won't have a huge patch that lists every sinle line
of Makefile for removal.

The minus side is that dpkg then gives you a line about ignoring the
removal of Makefile when building source.


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