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Use of DM-Upload-Allowed field


since yesterday I am Debian Maintainer, but now I have a question:

How is the actual status of using the DM-Upload-Allowed field/bit?

In http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMaintainer [1] is said, that I should
add a new line in debian/control file with: "DM-Upload-Allowed: yes" 
and upload the updated package to mentors.d.o.

On the other hand some new Debian Maintainers write in their RFS:

  "I would be most grateful if a kind sponsor would set the
  DM-Upload-Allowed bit"

which seems that the sponsor must set a bit. And these packages does 
not have "DM-Upload-Allowed: yes" in debian/control file.

Fondest regards,
 Joachim Wiedorn

Uploading packages

Once you have your key in the debian-maintainers keyring, you will be 
able to upload packages, where the following conditions hold:

  * the package already lists you in the Maintainer or the Uploaders
    control fields 
  * the package already has the DM-Upload-Allowed: yes control field
  * the package is not NEW 

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