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Re: RFS: klatexformula

Hi Tobias,


> I fixed these bugs - the package builds now separate binary packages for the 
> library and accompanying dev packages. Thanks to all for the answers. I am 
> still looking for someone to sponsor this package.

I just looked at your RFS and intended to sponsor your package. But before doing
so I did another round of reviewing and this resulted in a number of comments
which need to be addressed before the package can be uploaded:

- Upstream has released 3.2.2.
- debian/changelog: "Initial package" is generally worded as "Initial upload"
- debian/control: All binary packages share the same description. You should at
  least append one sentence describing the peculiarities of each package. And
  please use a consistent uppercase/lowercase version of "KLatexFormula".
- debian/copyright: It would be nice if it were formatted according to DEP-5
  (http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep5/); especially as this is already almost the
- No need for debian/README.source if your package is v3/quilt anyway.
- debian/rules: It says "rm debian/klatexformula.1", but you ship
  klatexformula.1 in the *source* package!?
- debian/patches/debian-changes-3.2.1-1: This patch contains a number of
  auto-generated files. Couldn't you just have the debian build process generate
  those files? Even more so as your home-directory name occurs several times...

Well, and I tried to build your package:

-- [KDE4 SETTINGS (for kate plugin)]

    *** NOTE ***
    KDE4 is required to build KTextEditor plugin.
    Since KDE4 could not be found, the KLatexFormula KTextEditor plugin will not be built (KLF_BUILD_KTEXTEDITORPLUGIN).
    KLatexFormula itself does not need KDE4 and will be compiled normally.
    Please re-run cmake to proceed.

CMake Error at src/klfkateplugin/CMakeLists.txt:30 (message):
  KDE4 not found.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  src/klfkateplugin/CMakeLists.txt:36 (klf_nokde4)

It seems that your dependencies are incomplete.

Please fix these issues and ping the list once again, then your package should
get sponsored soon.

Hope this helps,

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