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Re: Debian NYC Workshop: What's in a Package?


I'm glad there is interest in these workshops.  For more things in our
series, see here:

And I'd also like to mention that Daniel has been actively helping in
this workshop series... so thank him, too!

On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 02:01:20PM +0800, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> On 10/24/2010 09:23 AM, Aníbal Monsalve Salazar wrote:
> > Hello dkg,
> > Is there a chance to make a video of the packaging workshop for the
> > benefit of people who can not attend in person?
> >
> > A video will widen your audience and the debian-mentors could be used to
> > discuss issues originated from the packaging workshop.

Right now video isn't planned on being made.  There have been some
other people suggesting it, but no one has had time yet.

Sometimes people haven't been comfortable being in video.  Also, the
workshops have also been very audience-interactive and thus I'm not
sure how complete/helpful a video would be.  Do you still think it
would be helpful (see below, though)?  If someone wants to do it and
no one minds, I'd be for it.

Maybe video screen capture + sound would be useful but easier to

> I'm preparing myself to do a "Packaging howto" talk for the
> Shanghai Linux User Group audience too, so if I can get slides
> from others, that would help me to have better slides myself.
> That'd be great if I could have some more content! Let me know
> if you can share!

Most of the workshops we have done so far have been more hands-on, and
thus haven't really had slides.  However, everything is planned via
the Debian wiki, and all have full outlines there.


The outlines may not necessarily be enough for self-study, but it's my
goal to make them where a person knowledgeable in packaging could use
them to easily give the workshops again.  Also, the outlines are
probably enough for someone to guide themselves on what man pages to

We really hope that our work here is useful to other people... I'll
keep video + complete slides in mind for the future, and if there is
time to work on them, I'll see what can be done.  In the meantime, if
there is anything we can do to help make the wiki documentation
better, just ask.  #debian-nyc on OFTC is a good place.


- Richard

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