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Re: RFS: roxterm (updated package)

Tony Houghton writes:
> On Sat, 2 Jan 2010 23:44:40 +0200
> George Danchev <danchev@spnet.net> wrote:
> > I decided to test the new option as mentioned in the changelog "Added
> > always_show_tabs option", however I got lost in how the user is
> > supposed to change that option, since it is neither command line nor
> > menu one. Sure, I can stop the app here and there (roxterm.c:2922,
> > multitab.c:1953), but the control never reaches multitab.c:1958 for
> > me. So, the question is: how to change that option from user POV, and
> > what to expect, since multiple tabs are always shown to me even with
> > the previous version? Thanks ;-)
> It's a profile option which can be set with the GUI (Edit Current
> Profile, in the Window/Tabs section). In previous versions the tab bar
> was only shown when a window contained more than one tab; now you can
> optionally show the tab bar even when there's only one terminal in a
> window. This solves a small problem when adding a tab to a maximised
> window
> <https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=698431&aid=2921009&group
> _id=124080> and also makes it easier to drag a lone terminal into another
>  window.

I knew I was missing something, and now I can see it working. Thanks for 
implementing and explaining it for me. Uploaded.

pub 4096R/0E4BD0AB <people.fccf.net/danchev/key pgp.mit.edu>

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