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Re: insserv: warning: current stop runlevel(s) ... overwrites defaults

Michael Hanke wrote:
> Can anyone please point me to the problem and its solution?

When making changes to the runlevels either via update-rc.d or the lsb
header, the init script needs to be removed first (via update-rc.d, as
simply removing the symlink won't work in the case of file-rc).

In other words: you need to check if the user is upgrading from an affected
version (probably anything lt the new version) and then do an update-rc.d
remove. All that before the #DEBHELPER# mark so that the rest is done for

And like Rogéiro Brito said, remove the S runlevel. First of all, S is only
used by some special cases where the script only needs to be run once,
second, syslog daemons are only available from post-rcS (which at some
point would render your package uninstallable because of unmet init script

Raphael Geissert - Debian Developer
www.debian.org - get.debian.net

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