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Re: script-not-executable

Jaromír Mikeš <mira.mikes@seznam.cz> writes:

> Ok. Can I make override for it.

You *can* make an override for any warnings. The warnings are there for
good reasons, though, so you shouldn't ignore them without a good
understanding of why, and an even better reason why the warning doesn't

You should fix the file so that it is described by exactly one of the

  * Makes sense to run this file as a command directly from the
    command-line: executable permission on, with valid shebang line.
    Preferably named without the ‘.py’ suffix.

  * Only intended for use for import into a larger program: executable
    permission off, no shebang line. Named with ‘.py’ suffix.

 \        “Ubi dubium, ibi libertas.” (“Where there is doubt, there is |
  `\                                                        freedom.”) |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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