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RFS: subnetcalc

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for my package "subnetcalc".

* Package name    : subnetcalc
  Version         : 2.0.0-1
  Upstream Author : Thomas Dreibholz <dreibh@iem.uni-due.de>
* URL             : http://www.iem.uni-due.de/~dreibh/subnetcalc/
* License         : GPL, version 3
  Section         : net

SubNetCalc is an IPv4/IPv6 subnet address calculator. For given IPv4 or IPv6 
address and netmask or prefix length, it calculates network address, 
broadcast address, maximum number of hosts and host address range. Also, it 
prints the addresses in binary format for better understandability. 
Furthermore, it prints useful information on specific address types (e.g. 
type, scope, interface ID, etc.). SubNetCalc can also generate IPv6 Unique 
Local addresses using random input from /dev/random or /dev/urandom.

It builds these binary packages:
subnetcalc - IPv4/IPv6 Subnet Calculator

The package appears to be lintian clean.

The package can be found on mentors.debian.net:
- URL: http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/s/subnetcalc
- Source repository: deb-src http://mentors.debian.net/debian unstable main 
contrib non-free
- dget 

I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

Kind regards
 Thomas Dreibholz

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