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RFS: poco (updated package)

Dear mentors,

I am looking for a sponsor for the new version 1.3.6-1
of package "poco" and "poco-doc".

It builds these binary packages:
libpoco-dev - Development files for POCO - The C++ Portable Components
libpococrypto9 - The C++ Portable Components Crypto library
libpococrypto9-dbg - The C++ Portable Components Crypto library, debug version
libpocodata9 - The C++ Portable Components Data library
libpocodata9-dbg - The C++ Portable Components Data library, debug version
libpocofoundation9 - The C++ Portable Components Foundation library
libpocofoundation9-dbg - The C++ Portable Components Foundation library, debug 
libpocomysql9 - The C++ Portable Components MySQL library
libpocomysql9-dbg - The C++ Portable Components MySQL library, debug version
libpoconet9 - The C++ Portable Components Network library
libpoconet9-dbg - The C++ Portable Components Network library, debug version
libpoconetssl9 - The C++ Portable Components Network library with SSL
libpoconetssl9-dbg - The C++ Portable Components Network library with SSL, dbg 
libpocoodbc9 - The C++ Portable Components ODBC library
libpocoodbc9-dbg - The C++ Portable Components ODBC library, debug version
libpocosqlite9 - The C++ Portable Components SQLite library
libpocosqlite9-dbg - The C++ Portable Components SQLite library, debug version
libpocoutil9 - The C++ Portable Components Util library
libpocoutil9-dbg - The C++ Portable Components Util library, debug version
libpocoxml9 - The C++ Portable Components XML library
libpocoxml9-dbg - The C++ Portable Components XML library, debug version
libpocozip9 - The C++ Portable Components Zip library
libpocozip9-dbg - The C++ Portable Components Zip library, debug version

The upload would fix these bugs: 545854, 548113, 560936

The package can be found on mentors.debian.net:
- URL: http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/p/poco
- Source repository: deb-src http://mentors.debian.net/debian unstable main 
contrib non-free
- dget http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/p/poco/poco_1.3.6-1.dsc

I would be glad if someone uploaded this package for me.

Kind regards
 Patrick Roland Gansterer

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