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Re: Debian etch - Rebuilding a package from source.

Chris Jones wrote:
What I have done so far is pretty much what is describe in the above:

    . apt-get source ..
    . build-dep ..
    . debuild ..
    . dpkg -i ..

The process appears to work - as tested on gnu/screen - when I'm just
recreating the same deb that I would install via apt-get.

That's a good procedure. It's what I do when I need to rebuild a  package.
One problem, though, is that since the build is pretty much automated,
I'm not sure how I could add --xxx configure options that override the
defaults. In particular after reading the man page I wasn't able to find
an option that would let me achieve this.

The configure script gets called in debian/rules. Editing the file you should be able to find a call to it and modify appropriately.

Another concern is what kind of naming standard I should/could adopt for
my custom .debs so that they integrate smoothly with the apt packaging
system. In other words.. in a way that will be easy to manage over time
and not interfere with possible future apt-get actions, such as upgrades
to a new release etc.

One possibility is to increase the package revision and append something like '~yourname0'. If the package is 1.4.5-3, you make 1.4.5-4~something0, which is greater than 1.4.5-3 but smaller than 1.4.5-4 or any newer upstream version. But there are other possibilities regarding suffixes.

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