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Re: RFS: pidgin-privacy-please

2008/7/1 Stefan Ott <stefan@ott.net>:
> I am looking for a sponsor for my package "pidgin-privacy-please".


> The package appears to be lintian clean.

I have some small nitpicking for future version, though:

- (patches) There is no name of the author of the 01 patch (only email address).

- (control) It is customary to leave out the last digit in
  Standards-Version and to have the Homepage field in the source section
  (then it counts for both source and binary packages).

- (copyright) Says 2006-2008 but src says 2005-2008.

 Jens Peter Secher.
_DD6A 05B0 174E BFB2 D4D9 B52E 0EE5 978A FE63 E8A1 jpsecher gmail com_.
A. Because it breaks the logical sequence of discussion.
Q. Why is top posting bad?

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