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Re: RFS: git-cola

Eduardo M KALINOWSKI scrisse:

> > I am looking for a sponsor for my package "git-cola".
> >
> > git-cola   - highly caffeinated git gui
> This description tell nothing about the program. Metaphors may be good
> in taglines for websites, but the Debian package description should be
> informative.

I really appreciate the original description as it was descriptive
and good (or attractive) more than the actual one («git gui optimized
for working with the git index», it explains me nothing more than
before, as all git guis have the index as their fulcrum). So I'd leave
it as is.

Anyway your package is not in an uploadable state for many reasons:

* git-difftool and git-cola both contains git-difftool.1.gz, so they
aren't installable together.

* Your build-depends seem ok, but your depends are certainly
missing some bits (eg. python module PyQt4.QtCore is missing here).
Please check and add them all.

* The entire copyright is questionable. Many files under lib/ lack any
type of copyright assignment, and the entire tarball is without a
global COPYRIGHT, so those are not distributable. Moreover
bin/git-difftool claims "This file is licensed under the GPL v2, or a
later version at the discretion of Junio C Hamano.": you should say so
in debian/copyright; but what I feel really weird here is that Junio has
no mention in this file copyright. You should ask upstream to clarify
all of those.

* While you're at it, please ask him to provide an updated tarball (as
g7358 is a merge behind actual and to include docs and sources
already available in his git repo (eg. LICENSE, README, ui sources and
such) and maybe also a sane compilation mechanism.

* git-difftool depends on git-cola, but it doesn't really use it. So

* git-difftool is not python related, you don't need all those
{python:} field there. You could suggest the various merge interface,
by the way.

Please note that it isn't a complete review, but I think there are
already many things to do that this is sufficient for now.
Please come back with a proper fixed package and I'll be glad to check
it again.

Cheers, Luca

 .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux **  | Luca Bruno (kaeso)
: :'  :   The Universal O.S.    | lucab (AT) debian.org
`. `'`  			| GPG Key ID: 3BFB9FB3
  `-     http://www.debian.org 	| Debian GNU/Linux Developer

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