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Easy way to retrieve build logs from buildd.d.o?

Hello all,

Is there an easy way to retrieve the build logs for a given package as plain 
text files from buildd.debian.org? For example, for one of my packages I want 
to compare one output of the configure script on all architectures for one 
specific version. It would be helpful for this if the build logs were 
available on my local machine for grep'ing.
Since I didn't know an easy way to retrieve those build logs, I wrote a small 
and simple shell script that does what I needed; it is attached and can be 
used like this:

 # Retrieve all build logs of the package hello. 
 $ getbuildlog.sh hello

 # Retrieve mips and mipsel build logs of hello 2.2-{1,2}.
 $ getbuildlog.sh hello '2\.2-.' 'mips(|el)'

Do you think this script would be a useful addition for devscripts?

Frank S. Thomas <fst@debian.org>           PGP public key ID: 0xDC426429
Debian Developer                            finger fst/key@db.debian.org

Attachment: getbuildlog.sh
Description: application/shellscript

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

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