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Re: Keep directory in working tree, but exclude from foo.diff.gz

Felipe Sateler <fsateler@gmail.com> writes:

> BTW, why are there files useful to you but not other developers?

They're useful to someone who will be using the VCS to track changes,
because they contain bug information that is useful only in the
context of that VCS data.

They aren't useful to someone trying to re-build the Debian source of
the package, and they aren't used at all in the package building
process. For the purpose of a Debian source package, they're cruft
that needs to be omitted.

 \          "It was half way to Rivendell when the drugs began to take |
  `\      hold"  -- Hunter S. Tolkien, _Fear and Loathing in Barad-Dûr |�_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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