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RFC: Bug#474394: qemulator: Freedesktop Menu entry in wrong category.

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I'm forwarding this discussion to ask for comments on this bug.
I've choosed to patch the .desktop file of qemulator (a front-end to qemu) to Category "Utility" overwritting the original .desktop file that put qemulator in "Emulator" section. This because in fredesktop the category "Emulators" is described as:

"Emulator: Emulator of another platform, such as a DOS emulator"

I'm in your opion which category is much appropriate?

I've seen that qemu-launcher too is included in "Utility" category too...

Thanks for your comments.


Il giorno 07/apr/08, alle ore 12:22, Franklin PIAT ha scritto:

A few more words on my rationale. If it doesn't convince you, the
"wishlist/wontfix" would be fine for me too.

On Mon, 2008-04-07 at 01:21 +0200, Francesco Namuri wrote:
Il giorno 05/apr/08, alle ore 15:40, Franklin PIAT ha scritto:

qemulator.desktop says "Category=..;Utility;..." therefore the icon
ends up in Gnome's "Accessories" section [1].

If we observe what's in the Accessories menu on a fresh Debian
installation, there are only utilities for "true" end-user, like
Calculator,  Take screenshot, Terminal, Text editor...

Tools that are more technical are in the System submenu (that's how I
understand it, at least)

I think "Categories=System;Emulator;GTK" would be more appropriate.
(Actually, this would match your pre-existing /usr/share/menu file)

Emulator: Emulator of another platform, such as a DOS emulator

Yep, Freedesktop has no place for vitalization tools. But the difference between emulator, system simulator, virtual machine, hypervisors, etc..
are sometime very subtle (consider
qemu, qemu-${arch}, qemu-system-${arch}, kvm, etc..)

From a user point of view, it may make sense to group them all, IMHO.

Freedesktop puts game-emulator on one side and system-emulator on the
other side, which seems sensible to me (separation is based on what user
want to do, not how it's achieved).

qemulator is a front-end to qemu, so I think that is more appropriate
the utility section, is for this reason that I've made a patch to the
original .desktop file.

As far as the user is concerned, qemulator is qemu and vice-versa.

Thanks for bringing qemulator to Debian.


- --
Francesco Namuri
francesco(at)namuri(dot)it   http://namuri.it/
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