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Re: ITS: libitpp (minor update)

Dear Neil,

On Mon, Jul 23, 2007 at 10:54:09PM +0100, Neil Williams wrote:
> One glitch, Kumar, have you tried to build with the alternative tex support?
> debian/control specifies: tetex-bin | texlive-base-bin
> I suspect one of the packages brought in by tetex-bin is also needed
> for texlive-base-bin. 

Thanks for the tip. I now Build-Depend only on texlive-latex-base,
since that is sufficient and TeX Live is, anyway, the present and
future of TeX in Debian since teTeX upstream stopped makeing updates.

> It's only a minor glitch and there is nothing really wrong with the
> package in Debian so there's no rush to fix this. #434252 is severity
> important but there's no real prospect of it becoming RC any time soon.
> I'm busy with Emdebian work for the next week or two (I won't be taking
> on more packages for sponsoring during that time) but I'm OK to make a
> minor update.

As you say, it doesn't hinder the usage of the package.

In any case, I have re-uploaded it to Mentors with the same revision
number, since I am not yet clear about the mentors versioning policy
you want, and also believe that more changes won't be necessary.

dget http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/l/libitpp/libitpp_3.99.2-2.dsc


Kumar Appaiah,
462, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036

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