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Re: RFS: python-pytils

Mikhail Gusarov wrote:
>  DB> include also the full gpl blurb.
> Will do when author releases 0.2.1 with copyright years added to the
> source files.

i don't understand why you have to wait for upstream, *how* you write
things in debian/copyright is not determined by upstream, only *what*
you write.

e.g. here, it is necessary that you list the sources as GPL2 licensed,
but you can use the normal gpl blurb for that, and not require the
'custom' gpl blurb from upstream. they are saying the same anyway.

> setup.py imports pytils to obtain package version, so those .pycs are
> generated every time setup.py is being invoked. I would modify
> setup.py to pass version extracted from the changelog but it is IMHO
> overkill.

well, the proper way to do it here now is:

  * replace the build: target with just


  * pass a --no-compile to the setyp.py install call in install:

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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