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Re: Removing transition stuff in debhelper scripts after which time?

On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 04:46:43AM +0200, Daniel Leidert wrote:
> Today I stumbled over the question: After which time should transition
> stuff be removed from the debhelper scripts. In this special case I'm
> talking about install-sgmlcatalog calls in (e.g.) postinst scripts. Adam
> Di Carlo announced the depreciation of install-sgmlcatalogs in 2001.
> However, almost all related docbook* packages still contain this stuff.
> So I'm wondering, how long one should wait before such obsolete stuff
> can be removed? I mean, there is no requirement to support updates from
> e.g. Woody to Lenny, right? I checked the Debian Social Contract and the
> Policy manuals, but didn't find an information related to this topic.
> Maybe I overlooked it?

I'm not sure where it's defined, but we don't support upgrades to anything
other than the next release.  So, unless it's needed to upgrade from an Etch
system, it doesn't need to be in new releases of the package uploaded to
unstable as of now.

Now, that being said, it's often helpful (for backporting, for instance) to
keep a bit more "history" in the scripts, but supporting woody is going a
little overboard -- upgrading from Sarge would be absolute limit for me.

- Matt

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