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Re: RFH: start-stop-daemon, broken behavior when daemon already running

Replacing --exec with --startas seems to fix the issue.
I understand that --exec mail be wrong because the daemon is written in
perl, so the processus name wouldn't be what's passed to exec.
However --startas description is quite obvious to me and I don't
understand what it does exactly.

Adam Cécile (Le_Vert) a écrit :
> Hi,
> Could you help to understand why start-stop-daemon do not return 1 when
> trying to start my daemon which is already running ?
> Here is some log about what happens:
> bash-3.1# start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile
> /var/run/dkimproxy.out-dkim.pid --exec /usr/local/bin/dkimproxy.out --
> --daemonize --keyfile=/etc/dkimproxy/private.key --selector=selector1
> --domain=le-vert.net --method=relaxed --signature=dkim
> --pidfile=/var/run/dkimproxy.out-dkim.pid
>; echo $?
> Becoming sub class of "Net::Server::PreFork"
> Pid_file already exists for running process (16640)... aborting
> 0
> bash-3.1# cat /var/run/dkimproxy.out-dkim.pid
> 16640
> bash-3.1# ps aux | grep 16640
> root     16640  0.0  1.0  13732  8420 ?        Ss   23:49   0:00
> /usr/bin/perl -I/usr/local/lib /usr/local/bin/dkimproxy.out --daemonize
> --keyfile=/etc/dkimproxy/private.key --selector=selector1
> --domain=le-vert.net --method=relaxed --signature=dkim
> --pidfile=/var/run/dkimproxy.out-dkim.pid
> root     16697  0.0  0.0   3540   760 pts/1    R+   23:49   0:00 grep 16640
> Thanks in advance,
> Regards, Adam.

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