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Re: mini-dinstall, repository signing and apt-get authentication

On 31 Jul 2007 09:53:16 -0400
Ian Zimmerman <itz@madbat.mine.nu> wrote:

> Neil> Time for a bug report, I think. But in order to actually get the
> Neil> thing working, I need more help.

I wish you'd included the fact that the original email is from:
Date: 2006-07-28 21:09 +100

It's very confusing getting a reply from an email that old!

> Have you ever filed the report?  I can't find it searching on b.d.o.

Didn't need to - I switched to reprepro instead.

mini-dinstall isn't really designed for my kind of repository and I
didn't see any point filing a bug report to make mini-dinstall more
like reprepro when reprepro was (and is) simply a better choice for
anything more than a very simple repository.

> And this is my main question: have you figured out what causes this error?

Yes - the error is caused by not using reprepro.

> Let me describe my situation: I have a flat (single directory) archive
> of personal debs.  I see absolutely no point in maintaining "code names"
> and "suites" and what not. 

reprepro doesn't force these on you but it does not stop you adding
them later either.

> I generate the Packages.gz file by
> cd /var/local/debian && apt-ftparchive packages ./ | gzip - > Packages.gz

Yuk. There should be no need to do this.
> and the Release file by
> cd /var/local/debian && apt-ftparchive release ./ > /tmp/Release && mv /tmp/Release .

Nor that.
> All this works flawlessly until I introduce signing.  As soon as I add a Release.gpg
> file (generated by cd /var/local/debian && gpg -abs -o Release.gpg Release)
> apt-get starts giving me the above error message.  Now the wording made me think
> that perhaps perhaps I should NOT compress the Packages file, so I tried to omit
> the gzip step above.  But then apt-get complains it cannot retrieve Packages file!

No. The error is because mini-dinstall doesn't support what you want.

> <rant>
> It seems the security layer of apt was a quick hack which introduced this sort
> of confusion, instead of the thoughtful redesign it needed.
> </rant>

No. IMHO mini-dinstall is the quick hack which isn't capable of
supporting advanced features like SecureApt.

Use the right tool for the job.


Neil Williams

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