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Re: Sponsor Checklist

Dear Don,

Though I am not a sponsor, I'm a sponsoree, and have the following

On Mon, Jul 30, 2007 at 11:48:16AM -0700, Don Armstrong wrote:
> Determine if the maintainer can actually maintain the package
>      * What is the skill level of the maintainer?
>      * Are they familiar with the package and its languages?
>      * How active are they?
>      * Do they have existing packages?
>      * How do they interact with users? [Check out their existing bugs.]

I wish to know how you can evaluate skill level. For example, if ative
contribution to a FOSS project is a required skill, I really won't fit
in. But if it is just knowledge of issues with the package and
packaging techniques, that's all right. Of course, I realize that it's
my responsibilities to get bugs fixed as well.

For example, though I use python on a regular basis for small scripts
for getting things done (mostly like shell script replacements,
procmail mini-filters etc.), I haven't written any big application
using python. However, my Python packages do build well and I am aware
of the issues that concern them, such as pycentral, correcting the
#!... for non-executable scripts etc.

So, how do you propose to evaluate people? Though evaluation is
necessary, isn't it tough for people who don't really have a "FOSS
contributor" background?


Kumar Appaiah,
458, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036

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