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Re: how remove leading / at dh_install ?


On 12/11/06, andremachado <andremachado@techforce.com.br> wrote:
So, it have to be an absolute path...

The dh_install man-page [1] seems to indicate that the paths given to
dh_install have to be relative:
The name of  the files (or directories) to install should be given relative to the
current directory, while the installation directory is given relative to the package
build directory.

If your ./configure script requires an absolute path, you can provide
it an absolute path, but feed dh_install with a relative path
(provided that both paths are consistent).

Unless I misunderstood your problem, you could for exemple try something like:
# Relative path
# Absolute path

# ./configure requires the absolute path
./configure --prefix=${DESTDIR}

# dh_install uses the relative path
dh_install ${BUILDDIR}/$(PHP_EXT_DIR)/JavaBridge.war  var/lib/tomcat5/webapps


[1] http://nixdoc.net/man-pages/Linux/man1/dh_install.1.html

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