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Re: Homepage-field in description

Margarita Manterola <margamanterola@gmail.com> writes:

> When the URL is something like http://www.myniceproject.org, I don't see
> that would be the difference in having the extra space or not.

Well, it matters to people with 20-character-wide windows, if there are
any such people (there could potentially be with GUI package managers,
although it's unlikely).  It's admittedly an edge case, but wrapping the
URL is also incorrect, so I agree with the devref suggestion to mark it as
not wrappable.

> And the extra space doesn't look nice in the description, nor does it
> look nice in the http://packages.debian.org page, and I doubt it looks
> nice in synaptic either.  Therefore, I prefer not to add an extra space,
> because I prefer my URLs to look just as the rest of the text.

Thus proving that the real solution is to get rid of the Homepage bit
completely and instead add a real field to dpkg, since people won't even
agree on and follow the syntax for the hack of putting it in the long
description so that people can parse it properly.  *sigh*

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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