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Re: optional building of a package

On Sat, 3 Jun 2006, Charles Plessy wrote:

However, I was wondering wether it would make sense to provide to the Debian user a mean to install the extra programs from the Debian sources. Is there a way to make the source package able to produce a probcons-extra package, but only optionaly?

On the other hand, it could simply build a probcons-extra package by default, with a clear description saying that it is likely that probcons-extra will not be useful to the persons tempted to install it.

I think the second approach makes more sense to me as an end-user. As I see it, the Debian Way isn't to have all sorts of USE flags and compile-time options, but instead to provide those options to users of binary packages.

-- Asheesh.

When God created two sexes, he may have been overdoing it.
		-- Charles Merrill Smith

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