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Problem with debuild and changelog


First posting and
i need a little help from friends;-)

I have a package which is almost "debian ready", the debian dir exist
and necessary files in there.

But there is no changelog, only a changelog.in as a template.

A run of debuild at this moment fails, cause there is no changelog. OK

Then i run autogen.sh which builds a changelog from the above template. Or i
create a new with dch --create foo bar

If then build only the binarys with:
debuild binary
it's all ok.

Not ok is if i wish to build also the source packages.
If i run debuild without parameters (or dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc
-rfakeroot) then the generated changelog is deleted by a process of
dh_clean and debuild bleats about missing changelog (which is deleted by

I've googled a lot but never found a solution. Neither in devscripts doc
or new maintainer guide.

At the moment i found the reason for this:
After the automake process there is a entry in Makefile.in:
CONFIG_CLEAN_FILES = e_modules.spec debian/changelog
And this entry removes the debian/changelog while doing dist clean in
the debuild run.

It works when i:
$EDITOR Makefile.in (remove the debian/changelog from CONFIG_CLEAN_FILE)

But my question: from which template/parameter ist this
but this doesn't prevent the bad entry in Makefile.in

Anyone who could point me to the right way?

Don't drink and root!

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