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Doing RFS on -mentors

to make it as easy as possible for purspective package checkers 
if you post an RFS on the -mentors list please put all parts 
of the source package in a directory (FTP or HTTP).

The reason why I write this is the wmforkplob RFS.
Don't put your package on a PHP site where the checker has 
to download each file extra because its not possible to 
access the directory on the webserver directly and disable 
directory listing.

Normally I use wget --mirror --no-parent to get the source 
files. So if you do your RFS, enable directory listing on 
your server (or in package directory), post the exact link 
of every file in the mail so we can mark them and use wget 
or upload them to http://sponsors.debian.net.

Kind regards

Nico Golde - JAB: nion@jabber.ccc.de | GPG: 0x73647CFF
http://www.ngolde.de | http://www.muttng.org | http://grml.org
Forget about that mouse with 3/4/5 buttons -
gimme a keyboard with 103/104/105 keys!

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