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RFS: stx2any

stx2any is a software package that I use, among other things, to write
my web pages and the man pages of my software.  It has a small but
existent user base. :)  Discussion about why I deem this piece of
software worthwhile can be found at

Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 4.0.0), w3m
Package: stx2any
Architecture: all
Depends: m4, python (>= 2.1)
Description: Converter from structured text to other formats
 stx2any is a converter from structured text (Stx), which is plaintext
 written in a standardised way, into other formats.  Formats available
 currently include HTML, man, raw text, PostScript and LaTeX.
 This package also contains the utilities strip_stx, gather_stx_titles,
 extract_usage_from_stx and html2stx.

License: own BSD-like (two-clause)

Where to get it:

personal contact:	panu.kalliokoski@helsinki.fi, +35841 5323835
technical contact:	atehwa@iki.fi, http://www.iki.fi/atehwa/
PGP fingerprint:	0EA5 9D33 6590 FFD4 921C  5A5F BE85 08F1 3169 70EC

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