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Looking for sponsors

Hello, I'm interested in becoming a debian developer and I'm looking for
sponsors.  I'm not sure what else I should say; I'm willing to answer
any questions.  The new maintainer's guide says I should find sponsors
for my packages (or fixes, translations, etc., which I haven't made)
before applying for NM, so I'm doing that now.  Software packaged by me
can be found at http://sange.fi/~atehwa/debian/ -- mostly my own
programs, but also some other stuff.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Panu Kalliokoski

personal contact:	panu.kalliokoski@helsinki.fi, +35841 5323835
technical contact:	atehwa@iki.fi, http://www.iki.fi/atehwa/
PGP fingerprint:	0EA5 9D33 6590 FFD4 921C  5A5F BE85 08F1 3169 70EC

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